Friends of Staunton State Park
2024 Accomplishments
Track-Chair Program
- Continued funding the SQUARE TEAM application for Track chair messaging.
- Recognition to honor top track chair volunteers at the end of the season.
- Funded the maintenance and support of the five (5) track chairs and volunteer programs at a cost of approximately $3000.00. Thank you to the donors, volunteers, and staff for all that they do.
- The program has taken 258 trips this season. Since its inception in 2017, 1658 trips have been taken. That is over 4,000 MILES!
- Purchased a new adaptive fishing pole holder that provides those in need a higher quality fishing experience.
- Participated in Adaptive Recreation days.
Restoration of the Staunton Homestead Cabin
- Continued to provide funding for artifacts placed in the Staunton Cabin.
- Rebuilt and painted the original Staunton’s wagon, special thanks to Volunteer Alex.
- Continued to support tours of the cabin through the peak season of the park as well as Christmas at the Staunton cabin. We have reached so many people that are so appreciative of the opportunity to imagine what life was like in the early 1900’s and to learn about the Staunton’s.
- Participated in Living History days, complete with Cabin tours.
- Continued to fund additional maintenance items and tools to keep the cabin clean and “our best effort” critter proof.

Park Support
- Purchased a new larger fishing Tuff Shed at the lower Davis Pond. The program had outgrown the existing shed. Lots and Lots of fishing clinics and happy anglers.
- Provided materials to complete the restoration to the outside of the Staunton Shower house.
- Purchased band saw blades for the mill team that continue to provide lumber for park benches, seats and various needs to improve our park visitors’ experience.
- Moved the original fishing shed up to the maintenance area for additional volunteer tool storage.
- Purchased a weed sprayer to manage the invasive plants in the park
- Supported Park Activities & Events – Conifer Christmas Parade, 1st Day Hikes, Marmot Fest, and park signage.
- Funded the school bus trip for Elk Creek Elementary students to visit the park.
Future Goals
- Mark Madsen Accessibility Fund
– Continue to provide maintenance support for the track chairs
– Provide recognition for the top track chair volunteers at the end of the season - Continue to work in collaboration with the park to identify specific impactful Park needs for the benefit of all the park visitors, members of Friends and volunteers
2023 Accomplishments
Track-Chair Program
- Placed protective floor coating and upgraded the Track chair garage to provide ease of cleaning and provide a welcoming environment for our Track Chair Participants and their families.
- Funded the maintenance of the five (5) track chairs, approximately $4,350.00 for batteries and repairs.
- Purchased a new adaptive fishing pole that provides those in need a higher quality fishing experience.
- Continued funding the CREW application for Track chair scheduling and messaging.
- Provided recognition to honor top track chair volunteers at the end of the season.
- Participated in Adaptive Recreation days.
Restoration of the Staunton Homestead Cabin
- Provided funding for the artifacts placed in the Staunton Cabin, highlights being a Victor 3 phonograph, the same model as the one originally used by Frances, a period pump organ, display cases, fabric and rods for curtains, an LED fireplace and many miscellaneous period pieces that are on display. A special thank you to all the folks that donated medical equipment, jars, tools, photos, frames and too many other items to mention that present the cabin to its fullest period potential. Special thank you to all the volunteer hours collecting, and placing the artifacts.
- Funded shelving, storage bins and lighting for a room to store artifacts.
- Provided training materials for the cabin tour guides. Guided tours started on the 10th anniversary of Staunton State Park in May and continued on Sundays throughout the summer.
- Purchased wagon wheels for the original Staunton wagon that had been stored at Chatfield State Park and returned to Staunton for restoration and display.

Park Support
- Participated in the funding of the material needed for the candle light hikes. It is estimated that nearly 1100 visitors have participated in these events.
- Purchased band saw blades for the mill team that continue to provide lumber for park benches, seats and various needs to improve our park visitors experience.
- Purchased materials to restore the exterior of the Staunton shower house. Off cuts from the mill team have been used to place the siding on the shower house. The roof replacement is complete and was funded by FOSSP. Park Staff and volunteer hours have contributed to bring the shower house exterior back to its glory.
- Supported Park Activities & Events – Conifer Christmas Parade, 1st Day Hikes, Marmot Fest.
- Funded school bus trip for Elk Creek Elementary students to visit the park.
- Supported the park’s 10-year anniversary in May.
Future Goals
- Mark Madsen Accessibility Fund
– Continue to provide maintenance support for the track chairs
– Provide recognition for the top track chair volunteers at the end of the season - Continue to work in collaboration with the park to identify specific impactful Park needs for the benefit of all the park visitors, members of Friends and volunteers
2022 Accomplishments
Track-Chair Program
- Accepted Delivery of 2 new suspension track chairs
- Upgraded the track chair garage interior with sheetrock mudding and paint
- Provided an enhanced training program in conjunction with the park for all track chair volunteers highlighting safe and fun hikes
- Recognition to honor top track chair volunteers at the end of the season
- Held the Mark Madsen Accessibility Celebration BBQ on August 14, providing food and beverages
Preservation of Historic Staunton Homestead Cabin
- Provided funding for new glass window panes to be installed and paint for the window frames
- Funded repair of the interior and exterior doors and new locks
- Provided funding for a chimney cap and rebuilding the fireplace storage bin covers and doors
- Funded a project to provide electricity by solar panels with battery storage for cabin lights and security lighting
- Prepared the cabin with informative posters and a period quilt for the first public tours during Living History Days, Sept. 10 and 11, 2022
- Provided funding for archiving the artifacts removed from the Staunton Cabin
- Funded purchase of a period pump organ, book cases, type writer and desk

The Staunton Cabin with new windows and electricity provided by solar panels in the field above the cabin.
Park Support
- Purchased a 16’ x 20’ Tuff Shed to house the educational items and park vehicle used for the park’s Interpretative Programs
- Purchased 3 storage sheds for the park’s logs milled by volunteers
- Purchased 1,000 Davis Ponds Interpretive Trail brochures and 2,500 Track Chair Program brochures
- Supported Park Activities & Events – Conifer Christmas Parade, 1st Day Hikes, Marmot Fest and transportation for students from West Jeff Elementary School for a park visit
- Worked in conjunction with the park in purchasing volunteer teams’ tools and park equipment
Future Goals
- Continue to restore the Staunton Homestead Cabin, allowing guided tours for park visitors
– Identification and cataloging artifacts
– Informative Displays for the Staunton homestead - Mark Madsen Accessibility Fund
– Continue to provide maintenance support for the track chairs
– Complete the finishing of the interior of the Track Chair garage
– Recognition for the top track chair volunteers at the end of the season - 10-year anniversary of Staunton State Park
– Provide support for Celebration Activities
– Develop a 10-year Friends of Staunton accomplishments summary - Continue to work in collaboration with the park to identify specific impactful Park needs for the benefit of all the park visitors, members of Friends and volunteers
2021 Accomplishments
Track-Chair Program
- Purchased Staunton’s 6th track chair – a new suspension chair to replace Mark 1
- Created a Donation Challenge to fund the purchase of a new suspension track chair to replace Mark 2. An anonymous donor matched up to $10,000 in donations till the end of 2021. The Challenge raised $28,705 providing enough funds to replace Mark 2 AND Mark 3!
- The track-chair volunteer team achieved 1,000 track chair hikes in September 2021
- Comfort cushions, tools, and maintenance equipment were purchased enabling our volunteers to more effectively maintain the fleet and provide more comfortable rides for the participants.
- Recognition awards were given to the top track chair volunteers at the end of the season.
- A plaque honoring each track chair volunteer who has been on 100 trips with participants was created.

The 1000th track chair trip taken!
Preservation of Historic Staunton Homestead Cabin
- Friends of Staunton State Park, in conjunction with CPW, HistoriCorps, Alan Ford Architects, History Colorado State Historical Fund and volunteers completed Phase 1 of the Staunton Cabin Restoration. A new shake roof with supporting structure, front porch, steps and gutters, as well as a thorough cleaning of the cabin were accomplished. Seventy volunteers (including 5 board members) with over 2,500 volunteer hours and $125,000 in donations and grants were needed to accomplish this task. A SIGNIFICANT MILESTONE!
- Revised the Friends of Staunton website to include information about the Staunton cabin restoration and printed a brochure and mailer for the Staunton Cabin Restoration Project.

The Staunton Cabin Before and After Phase One of the Renovation Project
Park Support
- Funded taxidermy of Rose the marmot, girlfriend of Raymond, and a great horned owl for displays in the visitor center
- Supported Park Activities & Events – Conifer Christmas Parade, 1st Day Hikes, Marmot Fest, Living History Days and “Hike and Treat”.

The Great Horned Owl in the Visitor Center
Future Goals
- Continue to restore the Staunton Homestead Cabin to museum quality, and allowing guided tours to park visitors
- Continue to provide support for the Staunton Track Chair Program
- Continue to work in collaboration with the Park to identify specific impactful Park needs for the benefit of all the park visitors
2020 Accomplishments
Track-Chair Program

- Purchased Staunton’s 5th track chair – Mark 5
- Formed successful partnership with the Becker Team and Climb for the Kids to raise funds for the purchase of Mark 5
- Purchased attendant joystick and necessary accessories for Mark 5
- Funded the Track Chair maintenance program; Replaced batteries for Mark 1, Mark 3, and Mark 4
- Recognition to honor top track chair volunteers at end of season

Preservation of Historic Staunton Homestead Cabin
- Formed Preservation Committee to focus efforts of our new cornerstone project – preservation of Staunton Homestead Cabin
- Purchased custom fitted tarps to temporarily protect the roof of the Staunton Cabin and installed these tarps in conjunction with park staff and volunteers
- Designed and printed brochures & mini cards to educate visitors and promote fundraising
- Collaborated with CPW, HistoriCorps, Alan Ford Architects, and the State Historical Fund to apply for and win a $50,000 grant to replace the roof on the Staunton Cabin
Park Support
- Created new website including separate page for information specific to park volunteers
- Funded taxidermy of and mount for a Great Horned Owl in the Visitor Center
- Supported Park Activities & Events – Conifer Christmas Parade, 1 st Day Hikes, Marmot Fest, Mark Madsen Accessibility Celebration, and Hike and Treat Your Brain
Future Goals
- Fully restore the Staunton Cabin to museum quality and allow guided tours to park visitors
- Replace older model track chairs with newer models that have upgraded suspension and more comfortable ride for participants; Continue maintenance of all track chairs
- Continued funding of educational and interpretive activities that enhance the visitor experience
2019 Accomplishments
Track-Chair Program

- Purchased Staunton’s 4th track chair that features a new suspension system – ‘Mark 4′
- Purchased two adaptive car seats for smaller participants with a grant from Conifer Rotary
- Funded the Track Chair maintenance program, including replacement batteries for both Mark 1 and Mark 2
- Purchased two GRIT chairs
- Provided gift cards for the top track chair volunteers in the 2019 season
- Reprinted 2500 Track Chair brochures
- Raised $16,000 at the annual Mark Madsen Accessibility Celebration for the purchase of Mark 4
Park Support

- Purchased an 8’ x 10’ Tuff shed for the fishing equipment stored at Davis Ponds
- Purchased three Gorilla carts and pole holders for (50) fishing poles
- Purchased (50) 33 Micro Spincast Zebco reels
- Purchased solar panel and accessories to be able to charge the adaptive fishing pole battery, park radio and run the shed lighting
- Purchased climbing gear for the Staunton climbing program for kids
- Designed and printed 2500 Climbing brochures
- Funded transportation for the Elk Creek kindergarten school trip to the park
- Paid for the taxidermy of the male elk mount for the Visitor Center
- Purchased the framing of the three Staunton family portraits for the vestibule of the Visitor Center
- Designed, printed and installed the Friends’ display in the Visitor Center lobby
- Designed, printed and mailed 250 each of two marmot postcards
- Participated in Staunton’s Marmot Fest Adopt-A-Marmot program
- Participated in the 4th annual statewide Partners in the Outdoors Conference
Future Goals

- Fundraising to support Staunton’s Historic Cabin Restoration Project
- Continued support of the Staunton Track Chair program (maintenance of the track chairs, brochure printing, track chair volunteer recognition)
- Provide funding for track chair trips for visitors with disabilities
- Support for the Leave No Trace Program at Staunton
- Create a new website
2018 Accomplishments
Track-Chair Program

- Purchased Staunton’s 3rd track chair – ‘Mark 3’
- Funded TC maintenance program, including replacement batteries for both Mark 1 and Mark 2. Purchased new plastic wheels for Mark 1 and 2 to replace damaged wheels. Purchased new rubber ‘track’ as a preventative backup in case of damage
- Purchased materials for TC garage (insulation and drywall)
- Purchased surge suppressor for TC garage to prevent lightning damage to TC chargers, batteries, computers.
- Received $2000 grant for the purchase of ‘car/booster seats’ to accommodate our younger and smaller framed participants
- Designed and printed 2500 TC brochures
- Raised $6000 at Mark Madsen Accessibility BBQ
- Sponsored three groups of underserved participants with disabilities to be able to hike and fish at Staunton, utilizing a $2000 grant from Partners in the Outdoors Conference
Park Support

- Partially funded our 3rd Eagle Scout project. Puncheon bridge on Mason Creek Trail over the spring wetland area
- Funded Elk Creek kindergarten school trip. School bus transportation
- Purchased additional professional-grade chain saw
- Paid for taxidermy of a female mountain lion for Visitor Center
- Printed 2500 DP Interpretive trail brochures
- Designed, printed and mailed 250 each of two marmot postcards
- Designed and printed 250 calendars
- Purchased new tent for Friends to be used at park events
- Funded Blaine cabin roof restoration through a grant received
- Purchased 150 bike bells for special Staunton program through $4000 grant received
- Participated in Staunton’s Marmot Fest adopt a marmot program
- Participated in the 3rd annual statewide Partners in the Outdoors Conference
- Attended Good News Breakfast
Future Goals

- Fundraising to support Staunton’s Historic Cabin Restoration Project
- Provide funding for fire pit and gas line at the new Staunton campground amphitheater
- Possible expansion of the Staunton TC Program
- Purchase new safety chaps for Sawyer team
- Continued support of TC program (maintenance of TC chairs, program manager position, brochure printing)
- Display needs for new VC
- Provide funding for TC trips for visitors with disabilities
2017 Accomplishments
Track-Chair Program

- Continued Support of Staunton Track-Chair Program:
- Purchase of Mark 2 – Staunton’s 2nd track chair
- Purchase of track-chair trailer
- Designed and purchased track-chair trailer graphics
- Participated in the 2nd Annual CPW Partners in the Outdoor Conference (3-day conference)
- Participated in the 1st Annual Outdoor Adventure Expo @ Cherry Creek with the track chair
- Successful 2nd Annual Mark Madsen Fund Raising BBQ
- Received Partners in the Outdoor Conference grant for $2,000 to bring underserved people with disabilities to Staunton
Park Support

- Participated at Marmot Fest (40 marmots adopted)
- Purchased Educational program items (skins & skulls) @ $1,400
- Purchased Kubota utility vehicle @ $16,800
- Purchased two Stihl – MS291 20” chainsaws @ $809
- Purchased chainsaw backpacks @ $306
- Received a grant of $5000 from the Colorado Parks Foundation to purchase 3D targets
- Received a grant of $5000 from the Colorado Parks Foundation to purchase Bear-Proof trash containers
Future Goals

- Funding for seasonal Track-Chair Coordinator position
- Expand Track-Chair Program with purchase of 3rd track chair
- Raise funds for Campground amphitheater & gas fire pit
- Participate in fundraising for Historic Cabin District restoration
2016 Accomplishments
Track-Chair Program

- Held 1st BBQ fundraiser / raised $40,000 + in donations
- Researched track chairs to determine which manufacturer/model was best for the program
- Purchased first track chair w/ accessories $13,000
- Working with CPW for possible program expansion to other parks
- Hosted Track Chair ‘Key Ceremony’; Symbolic key turned over to Staunton park manager Zach Taylor. CPW promoted a live Facebook feed of the ceremony. Many donors were in attendance. Board members participated in media interviews. Press coverage was local, Colorado and national.
- Received Partners in the Outdoors Grant for $2000. Worked in partnership with Hills-Inc. to bring three groups (8 participants each) of people with disabilities to visit Staunton. Two groups were adults with disabilities and one group was teens with disabilities. All participants hiked to the Davis ponds where they fished and learned about the outdoors.
Park Support

- Purchased an electric-assist mountain bike for the park rangers; allows rangers to patrol remote areas of the park and quick response to emergencies inaccessible to park vehicles
- Purchased materials for access bridge to meadow off Bugling Elk Trail; allows access over creek for invasive weed control and potential fire control
- Provided materials for Eagle Scout Project on Davis Ponds Trail for a puncheon bridge to improve rock section over the stream; allows improved wheelchair access for people with disabilities and improved stroller access for families. Donated materials came from Fiberon, Moore Lumber and Blue Linx.
- Received a $3,500 grant from Colorado Parks Foundation to establish archery ranges at Staunton
- Purchased a portable PA system for use by the education team during school visits and park staff during meetings and other events
- Funded transportation for two school groups to visit the park for nature education
- Designed and printed the 2017 Staunton Calendar. AES Auctions sponsored the calendar.
- Reprinted 1000 Davis Ponds Interpretive Trail Brochures with new maps
- Surpassed 1000 likes on Friends’ Facebook page
- Added a Mark Madsen Accessibility page and a donation feature to the Friends’ website
- Participated in Elk Falls Trail dedication; demonstrated the track chair
- 4 board members attended the 2016 Partners in the Outdoors Conference hosted by CPW
- Participated in Marmot Fest
Future Goals

- Establish community partnerships with AES Auctions, Hills-Inc, Conifer Rotary, and others
- Work with CPW on possible fundraising opportunities/sponsors for future Staunton Visitor Center
- Continue to fundraise to expand the Staunton Track-Chair program by adding a second track chair and provide funding to bring additional visitors with disabilities to Staunton
- Work with CPW for possible expansion of a track-chair program into other Colorado state parks
- Research and apply for additional grant opportunities
2015 Accomplishments
Park Support

- Purchased and installed an outdoor webcam, allowing for photos refreshed every 15 minutes and posted to our website. Park visitors can visit our website to see the current weather at Staunton. We believe this to be the first camera with live photos in any Front Range Colorado State Park.
- Applied for and received grants from two organizations, Access Fund & Scarpa, for the construction of an informational Climbers’ kiosk. Materials were purchased, and through the assistance of park volunteers, the kiosk was constructed and installed.
- Participated in this year’s Marmot Fest which was a tremendous success. Adopted out 74 stuffed marmots, raising $1,850 and making 74 families very happy.
- Received donations totaling $1,400 for the memorial fund set up for the late Mark Madsen who visited the park often and loved Staunton.
- Made enhancements to our successful website, We are receiving more than 700 visits per week.
- We are having continued success with our Facebook page. Our page is approaching 600 likes! Visit the page
- We produced our 2016 Friends calendar. This is our third year producing the calendars and they have improved each year. Thanks to The Software Company and Brooks Place Tavern for sponsoring our calendar this year. We have already sold more than 70 calendars, raising in excess of $1,000.
- Continued support of Staunton’s Education Committee. Supporting travel expenses, etc. for school children to visit Staunton and learn about “preserving, promoting and protecting” the environment and our park.
- Ice rescue equipment purchased at the request of park management for the safety of park visitors.
- Preparation of artwork and ordering informational signage for the Cabin District.
- Participating in the grant process regarding the Cabin District Restoration Project.
Board Development

- Three new members joined our board, bringing our team to 7 members.
- All board members participated in a two weekend-long Board Retreat, reviewing our strategic plan, and enhanced our mission statement. Thanks to Kelly Trilk, husband of our board member, Sharon Trilk for donating his time to facilitate the sessions.
- Through a grant from the state, 2 board members attended a 2-day “Partners in the Outdoor Conference” in Keystone Colorado.
Future Goals

- Purchase of items on the park’s needs list, which include an e-bike for park personnel to help engage park visitors and facilitate rescues in remote areas.
- Continue support of Staunton’s Marmot Fest weekend.
- Financial support for the park’s education team. Fund transportation for school groups, such as Elk Creek Elementary School, to visit Staunton and learn about “preserving, promoting and protecting” the environment and our park.
- Continue reviewing the possible potential of the Benevon model for fundraising for the park.
2014 Accomplishments
Park Support

- Solicited sponsors for Staunton State Park’s grand opening
- Raised funds to support the following Grand Opening Activities: Shuttle buses, Children’s climbing wall, Children’s mountain bike course, Commemorative pins
- Raised additional funds through Sale of notecards & calendars and the Adopt-A-Marmot-Program
- Developed a Bird Checklist brochure and Davis Ponds Interpretive Brochure. Both are available for download under “Resources.” Visit the page
- Purchased trail building equipment that was most recently used to build the new trail to the top of Lion’s Head.
- Currently in the process of setting up a weather camera that will be linked to the Friend’s website.
- Supported “Marmot Fest” through the Adopt-a-Marmot Program
- Purchased AED device for the park
Board Development

- Established initial board of directors – Prepared and filed the following documents:
- Articles of incorporation (received on 10/25/2012)- 501 (c) 3 received on 04/14/2013 (dated back to the date of filing)
- Filed IRS form 990-N
- Established contacts & developed ongoing relationships with Community Partners, Conifer Chamber of Commerce, Individual and Family Members, Friends of Colorado State Parks, Friends groups from other Colorado state parks
- Membership Brochure produced. Visit the page
- New and improved website
- Facebook page launched: Visit the page
Future Goals

- Developing desired skillsets & soliciting new board members and committee chair positions
- Developing a formal marketing plan and branding
- Assist park management on developing a “Recognition” program
- Fundraising & membership drive
- Solicitation for grants to support Staunton State Park needs
- Interpretive signage at key locations in the park
- Purchase of additional trail building equipment and help fund additional trails
- Funding for future historic building restorations