In 1986, Frances Staunton donated the initial 1720 acres of her parent’s homestead to the State of Colorado. The Staunton Ranch, which includes historic cabins and the mill, has been listed on the National Register of Historic Places. The original Staunton cabin remains in the park today. Your donation to the Friends of Staunton will help preserve these historic structures and share their story for future generations to come.
The Old Mill Site is evidence of logging activity at the turn of the century Rachel Staunton at the historic cabin now part of Staunton State Park circa 1928
Year-round activities include fishing clinics, nature hikes, environmental education, and Jr. Ranger programs. Your donation helps fund these activities for young and old alike. Other promotional opportunities include interpretive signage in key locations throughout the park.
Learning to fish for trout at the Davis Ponds The first graduates of the 2013 Jr. Ranger Program Intrepretive signage at the Staunton Homestead would be valuable in understanding ranch life and the story behind the party’s namesake
Staunton State Park is home to a rare plant species, the budding Monkey Flower. With help from the Friends’ donations, these delicate plants can be protected and studied.
The endangered Peregrin Falcon has been found nesting in the rocky cliffs near Lions Head. Funds from the Friends may be used to purchased viewing equipment to study these amazing birds and their habitat.
Marmots are native to the park and their activities are being monitored. Funds from the Friends are made available to support this and other monitoring opportunities in the park.
Other activities sponsored by the Friends include land acquisitions, weed control, and fuel mitigation – protecting the land and animals as Frances Staunton envisioned.
Fuel Mitigation Before Fuel Mitigation After Marmot Monitoring