King Soopers has started a program that is a GREAT way you can help Friends of Staunton State Park do more for our park, at ZERO cost to you! All you have to do is link your rewards card to our nonprofit organization, then every time you shop, we get a donation from King Soopers.
Click on the link to the King Soopers Community Rewards Page and you’ll see a line saying: “Are you a customer looking to enroll?” Under that heading is a link (in blue) “See more details and enroll today!” Click there.
That will bring you to another page with a large box saying: Sign in with Google. Click there, OR go to the bottom of the page and click on:
Create an Account. It will ask for your email address and you’ll need to create a password.
Once you’ve opened an account, you’ll see the Community Rewards page. Choose the organization you’d like them to support on your behalf, (Friends of Staunton State Park, please, which has the Organization number IS025).
That’s it! You only have to do this once, and it only takes a couple of minutes to sign up. Then whenever you use your King Soopers card to purchase groceries or gasoline, King Soopers will donate a small percentage to our non-profit charity, AT NO COST TO YOU!
Help us help our State Park, and sign up now. Thank you so much for all you do to help support our mission!