Click on the Donate Button. This will take you to our Network for Good giving page. You can use the drop-down menu to choose how you would like your funds allocated: Greatest Need (Non-Profit Discretion), Historic Cabin Preservation, Staunton Track-Chair Program or membership purchase. You also have the option of specifying in honor or remembrance of a loved one.
Other Ways To Donate

Send a check by mail
Friends of Staunton State Park
P.O. Box 695
Pine, Colorado 80470
Become a Member
By becoming a member of the Friends of Staunton State Park, you contribute to our mission of, “working in partnership with others to preserve, promote, and protect the wildlife, natural beauty and historic legacy of Staunton State Park for present and future generations.”
Visit our Network for Good Donation Page to Activate or Renew Your Membership. You’ll find the Membership levels listed under the “Apply My Donation To” drop down. View our Membership page for more information on the benefits and levels of membership.
The Friends of Staunton State Park is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization
Our board is a volunteer organization led by individuals who care deeply for Staunton State Park. Donations make it possible for us to support our mission “working in partnership with others to preserve, promote and protect the wildlife, natural beauty and historic legacy of Staunton State Park for present and future generations.”
Thank you for your support!